Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13, 2018 Email :D

Happy Valentine's Day

"Happy Valentine's Day" seems to be the title of everyone else's emails this week...so I figured I would jump on the bandwagon! Haha this last week hasn't been as much of a gong show as last week! In fact, it was a "Wong Show!" because we had zone conference! *buh dum psh!!* Hahaha :) Oh it has been such a joy having the sisters all together! There are only 6 sister missionaries up here, and one of them is Sister Clark! My MTC comp! It has been so much fun spending time together and taking her around her old area! We have seen so many miracles! :D

It has been fun driving around shoveling people's driveways and getting stuck in the snow ourselves a couple times! It snowed over a month's worth of snow in the span of 24 hours up here! :D It's crazy!!

I just have a quick spiritual thought and then I will close this email..so sorry for it being so short this week! I was studying the restoration this week and my brain went off on a tangent analogy again! 

One of my favorite analogies we use in the church is how we are clay in the master potter's hands. I strive each day to be mold-able in His hands, so that I can become the masterpiece that He knows I can become! I was pondering a bit about clay, and how if clay is left out without being moved or anything, it hardens. Thus making it unable to be molded. But if one keeps moving it, stretching it, and adding water...it continues to have the ability to grow and be shaped into what it needs to be! In life we have the Living Water, Jesus Christ, and His gospel to continually add to our lives and weave into our tapestries of discipleship! Such a blessing! So I am striving each day to add some living water into my life, to grow and to stretch and humble myself so that Heavenly Father can mold me! 

I love you all and hope you have an amazing Valentine's Day!!
Sister Van Valkenburg

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