Monday, January 8, 2018

January 8,2018 Email :D

Many are called but few are frozen!

I can't take credit for the title of this email! I stole it from Sister Jacquez whom I love dearly!! :) BUT the title fits perfectly for the grand adventure I am up for next!! Transfer calls came in this Saturday, and I have been called to go to Nechako, Prince George!! Wow!! What a change!! If you look on the map, it's about smack dab in the middle of the province, but it's the highest north that they send sisters because of the weather...hehe. When my flight lands it is supposed to be around -22 degrees C and snowing. Not too bad for a St. George girl, hey? ;) I am so pumped!! I will be whitewashing in with Sister Muir! She served with me for a transfer in my first area, so we know each other!! Woohoo!! 

I am going to miss Sister Bloomfield dearly! She has helped me so much and we have learned and grown so much together!! <3 But she is going to kill it with her new comp, Sister Nerberg!! She has been out 1 transfer, and they are going to have so much fun together!! 

This week has just flown by as we went around searching for God's children to strengthen and come closer to our Savior! So good! 

You know those moments when you're talking with someone and Heavenly Father just fills your mouth with something you needed to hear? I love those! Here is something He blessed me to say this week that I've really been pondering about.
"Everything happens for a reason, but not everything that happens needs to be reasoned with." 
wowza! So simple, but so true! I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and part of that plan is planning and experiencing life..while we look forward and learn from what we have been blessed to experience! I am so grateful for his perfect plan!!

Sorry this week is short! My head is up in the clouds about this transfer news!! And it literally will be this time tomorrow! WOW!!! Hahaha

love you all! Have an amazing week!
Sister Van Valkenburg
We took ourselves out to WhiteSpot this week to celebrate this sweet Sister's 6 MONTH MARK!! AH!!!
This little cutie is one of my favorites, and LOVES Sister Bloomfield's shoes! Without fail, when we are at their house, she come clomping around the corner wearing her shoes!! So cute!! <3
Family picture! Here is Brother Loughery (Assistant ward mission leader) with his family and our little team! We had so much fun together the past 3 months and now all of us are moving around. We had to meet up for a quick picture!! 

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